One of the oldest and largest
natural history museums on Earth
The Peabody Museum of Natural History. Here because of a famous palaeontologist who pestered his uncle, George Peabody, to stump up the money for a museum. The famous palaeontologist was none other than Othniel Charles Marsh of the Bone Wars fame, and Uncle George, being a generous man, found the money and immortality as a result. O.C. Marsh got the job of director and we got an amazing museum stuffed full of some of the most important palaeontological specimens ever found. Not to mention a pile of other non-palaeontological artefacts which are worth a look when you visit the museum.
More seriously, the Peabody is one of the oldest and largest natural history museums on Earth and is attached to Yale University. It has a Great Hall of Dinosaurs including a baby Brontosaurus and a 110 foot (34 metre) long mural called ‘The Age of Reptiles.’
It is home to one of the largest and most extensive collections of fossils in the USA, important not only from a palaeontological point of view, but also historically, as many of the fossils were collected during the golden age of American palaeontology. Other famous names in palaeontology attached to the museum are R.S. Lull, George Gaylord Simpson, John Ostrom, Elisabeth Vrba, and Jacques Gauthier.
It is located at 170 Whitney Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut, United States in a more modern building than that built by Mr Peabody, having moved there in 1925.
If you get there before we do, we would love to see some pics - post them up on the DinoZone Facebook page for us all to see.
Plan Your Visit
170 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT 06520, United States
Tel:+1 203 432 8987
Currently closed for renovations
And seeing that you are here, grab yourself a copy of our free colouring book, which is full of wonderful dinosaurs and other Mesozoic creatures for you to bring back to life.